Best Tips for Picking a Great Company Secretary


Hong Kong has been labeled the best investment hub in the world. Starting from the time Hong Kong was under the colonial rule, the jurisdiction has progressively worked to get its current highly revered status. World Bank and other top organizations have rated the jurisdiction at the top in the list of countries with the highest ease of doing business.

The ease of doing business is evident in most business procedures starting from company incorporation. At this early stage of company operation, the Hong Kong administration requires all the businesses to fulfill everything outlined in the Companies Ordinance. These requirements include providing the Articles of Association, Memorandum of Understanding, the company structure and details of shareholders and directors.

However, it is the requirement of the company secretary that is emphasized more in the company registration process. The company secretary is very important because he acts as the key bridge between the Hong Kong authorities and the company. He is also charged with the role of securing the company legal documents. Therefore, it is very important that you only pick the best person for the task.

How to select the best company secretary for your Hong Kong Company

  • Only select the most qualified person for the position

In the past, investors simply picked one of their closest friends to act as the company secretary. But this only put them on the path to failure. To be assured of success, the best thing is picking the most qualified individual. Here you need to look for a person with good academic qualifications and practical skills.

  • Only go for a resident secretary with years of experience in similar tasks

The role of a company secretary in Hong Kong demands the comprehensive understanding of the companies’ law. Therefore, you need a person who has been in the Hong Kong market for long, and that has many years of experience.

  • Ensure to review the commitment of the company secretary to your enterprise

One thing that you need to appreciate is that the company secretary will be part of the business team implementing key decisions. He will always be present at the board meetings and other important operations. Therefore, you must pick a person with the total commitment to the company. Even if he has the right academic qualifications, the commitment will be crucial in getting the company even through the hard times.

  • Comprehensive understanding of the Hong Kong market

Since the company secretary will always be part of the high profile decision team, it is very important that he has a good understanding of the Hong Kong market. This means that he will always help to enrich the decisions made by the company.

The company secretary that an enterprise selects should be a crucial pillar that comes to help accelerate growth. His capabilities should be proven while the commitment to get the job done has to be unmatched. This means picking and working with the most qualified person in the Hong Market. You can only succeed by working with the best.

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